Volker Schukai authoredVolker Schukai authored
tokenizer.go 6.86 KiB
package tokenizer
import (
const newLine = '\n'
// TokenKey token type identifier
type TokenKey int
const (
// TokenUnknown means that this token not embedded token and not user defined.
TokenUnknown TokenKey = -6
// TokenStringFragment means that this is only fragment of quoted string with injections
// For example, "one {{ two }} three", where "one " and " three" — TokenStringFragment
TokenStringFragment TokenKey = -5
// TokenString means than this token is quoted string.
// For example, "one two"
TokenString TokenKey = -4
// TokenFloat means that this token is float number with point and/or exponent.
// For example, 1.2, 1e6, 1E-6
TokenFloat TokenKey = -3
// TokenInteger means that this token is integer number.
// For example, 3, 49983
TokenInteger TokenKey = -2
// TokenKeyword means that this token is word.
// For example, one, two, три
TokenKeyword TokenKey = -1
// TokenUndef means that token doesn't exist.
// Then stream out of range of token list any getter or checker will return TokenUndef token.
TokenUndef TokenKey = 0
const (
fStopOnUnknown uint16 = 0b1
fAllowKeywordUnderscore uint16 = 0b10
fAllowNumberUnderscore uint16 = 0b100
fAllowNumberInKeyword uint16 = 0b1000
// BackSlash just backslash byte
const BackSlash = '\\'
var defaultWhiteSpaces = []byte{' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'}
// DefaultStringEscapes is default escaped symbols. Those symbols are often used everywhere.
var DefaultStringEscapes = map[byte]byte{
'n': '\n',
'r': '\r',
't': '\t',
'\\': '\\',
// tokenItem describes one token.
type tokenRef struct {
// Token type. Not unique.
Key TokenKey
// Token value as is. Should be unique.
Token []byte
// QuoteInjectSettings describes open injection token and close injection token.
type QuoteInjectSettings struct {
// Token type witch opens quoted string.
StartKey TokenKey
// Token type witch closes quoted string.
EndKey TokenKey
// StringSettings describes framed(quoted) string tokens like quoted strings.
type StringSettings struct {
Key TokenKey
StartToken []byte
EndToken []byte
EscapeSymbol byte
SpecSymbols map[byte]byte
Injects []QuoteInjectSettings
// AddInjection configure injection in to string.
// Injection - parsable fragment of framed(quoted) string.
// Often used for parsing of placeholders or template's expressions in the framed string.
func (q *StringSettings) AddInjection(startTokenKey, endTokenKey TokenKey) *StringSettings {
q.Injects = append(q.Injects, QuoteInjectSettings{StartKey: startTokenKey, EndKey: endTokenKey})
return q
// SetEscapeSymbol set escape symbol for framed(quoted) string.
// Escape symbol allows ignoring close token of framed string.
// Also escape symbol allows using special symbols in the frame strings, like \n, \t.
func (q *StringSettings) SetEscapeSymbol(symbol byte) *StringSettings {
q.EscapeSymbol = symbol
return q
// SetSpecialSymbols set mapping of all escapable symbols for escape symbol, like \n, \t, \r.
func (q *StringSettings) SetSpecialSymbols(special map[byte]byte) *StringSettings {
q.SpecSymbols = special
return q
// Tokenizer stores all tokens configuration and behaviors.
type Tokenizer struct {
// bit flags
flags uint16
// all defined custom tokens {key: [token1, token2, ...], ...}
tokens map[TokenKey][]*tokenRef
index map[byte][]*tokenRef
quotes []*StringSettings
wSpaces []byte
pool sync.Pool
// New creates new tokenizer.
func New() *Tokenizer {
t := Tokenizer{
flags: 0,
tokens: map[TokenKey][]*tokenRef{},
index: map[byte][]*tokenRef{},
quotes: []*StringSettings{},
wSpaces: defaultWhiteSpaces,
t.pool.New = func() interface{} {
return new(Token)
return &t
// SetWhiteSpaces sets custom whitespace symbols between tokens.
// By default: {' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'}
func (t *Tokenizer) SetWhiteSpaces(ws []byte) *Tokenizer {
t.wSpaces = ws
return t
// StopOnUndefinedToken stops parsing if unknown token detected.
func (t *Tokenizer) StopOnUndefinedToken() *Tokenizer {
t.flags |= fStopOnUnknown
return t
// AllowKeywordUnderscore allows underscore symbol in keywords, like `one_two` or `_three`
func (t *Tokenizer) AllowKeywordUnderscore() *Tokenizer {
t.flags |= fAllowKeywordUnderscore
return t
// AllowNumbersInKeyword allows numbers in keywords, like `one1` or `r2d2`
// The method allows numbers in keywords, but the keyword itself must not start with a number.
// There should be no spaces between letters and numbers.
func (t *Tokenizer) AllowNumbersInKeyword() *Tokenizer {
t.flags |= fAllowNumberInKeyword
return t
// DefineTokens add custom token.
// There `key` unique is identifier of `tokens`, `tokens` — slice of string of tokens.
// If key already exists tokens will be rewritten.
func (t *Tokenizer) DefineTokens(key TokenKey, tokens []string) *Tokenizer {
var tks []*tokenRef
if key < 1 {
return t
for _, token := range tokens {
ref := tokenRef{
Key: key,
Token: s2b(token),
head := ref.Token[0]
tks = append(tks, &ref)
if t.index[head] == nil {
t.index[head] = []*tokenRef{}
t.index[head] = append(t.index[head], &ref)
sort.Slice(t.index[head], func(i, j int) bool {
return len(t.index[head][i].Token) > len(t.index[head][j].Token)
t.tokens[key] = tks
return t
// DefineStringToken defines a token string.
// For example, a piece of data surrounded by quotes: "string in quotes" or 'string on sigle quotes'.
// Arguments startToken and endToken defines open and close "quotes".
// - t.DefineStringToken("`", "`") - parse string "one `two three`" will be parsed as
// [{key: TokenKeyword, value: "one"}, {key: TokenString, value: "`two three`"}]
// - t.DefineStringToken("//", "\n") - parse string "parse // like comment\n" will be parsed as
// [{key: TokenKeyword, value: "parse"}, {key: TokenString, value: "// like comment"}]
func (t *Tokenizer) DefineStringToken(key TokenKey, startToken, endToken string) *StringSettings {
q := &StringSettings{
Key: key,
StartToken: s2b(startToken),
EndToken: s2b(endToken),
if q.StartToken == nil {
return q
t.quotes = append(t.quotes, q)
return q
func (t *Tokenizer) allocToken() *Token {
return t.pool.Get().(*Token)
func (t *Tokenizer) freeToken(token *Token) {
token.next = nil
token.prev = nil
token.value = nil
token.indent = nil
token.offset = 0
token.line = 0
token.id = 0
token.key = 0
token.string = nil
// ParseString parse the string into tokens
func (t *Tokenizer) ParseString(str string) *Stream {
return t.ParseBytes(s2b(str))
// ParseBytes parse the bytes slice into tokens
func (t *Tokenizer) ParseBytes(str []byte) *Stream {
p := newParser(t, str)
return NewStream(p)
// ParseStream parse the string into tokens.
func (t *Tokenizer) ParseStream(r io.Reader, bufferSize uint) *Stream {
p := newInfParser(t, r, bufferSize)
return NewInfStream(p)