# Bob

Bob is an HTML and HTML fragment builder

## Documentation

To check out docs and examples, visit [gitlab.schukai.com/oss/bob](https://gitlab.schukai.com/oss/bob)

## Installation

wget -O ~/.local/bin/bob http://download.schukai.com/tools/bob/bob-$( uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])-$(echo `uname -m | sed s/aarch64/arm64/ | sed s/x86_64/amd64/`) && chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/bob

### Nix/Flake Support

This repository contains a file called flake.nix. You can install this program 
using the [nix package manager](https://nixos.org/).

## Usage

### Template

#### Prepare

bob template prepare --input ./templates/ --output ./output/ --data-file ./data.yaml

This will create files in the `./output/` directory with all parsed templates from `./templates/` directory.
Also, a data YAML. This data YAML is used to generate the final files with the `bob html generate` command.

This command prepares the title, description, keywords, and other metadata for the templates.
Furthermore, it will parse the templates for images, anchors, and text.

If the argument `--data-file` is not set, the data YAML will be written to `./output/data.yaml`.

| Original                                                                      | Parsed                                                                                                                                          |
| `<html lang="en"><head>`                                                      | `<html lang="en" data-attributes="lang path:lang"><head>`                                                                                       |
| `<title>Bob</title>`                                                          | `<title data-attributes="title path:title">Bob</title>`                                                                                         |
| `<meta name="description" content="Bob is a html and html fragment builder">` | `<meta name="description" content="Bob is a html and html fragment builder" data-attributes="description path:meta.description">`               |
| `<img alt="alt text" title="my title" src="..." `                             | `<img alt="alt text" title="my title" src="..." data-attributes="alt path:img.id1003.alt title path:img.id1003.title src path:img.id1003.src">` |
| `<a href="https://gitlab.schukai.com/oss/bob">`                               | `<a href="https://gitlab.schukai.com/oss/bob" data-attributes="href path:a.id1004.href">`                                                       |
| `<p>Bob is a html and html fragment builder</p>`                              | `<p><span data-attributes="text path:p.id1005.text">Bob is a html and html fragment builder</span></p>`                                         |

If you want to translate the text, you can copy the default `data.yaml` to a new file and translate the text there.

A good practice is to use the language code as the file name. 
For example, `de.yaml` for German, `en.yaml` for English, etc.

Beside text, images and metadata, special attributes are also extracted.
For example, the Monster datatable headers `data-monster-head` are extracted.

    <template id="datatable-order-list-row">
        <div data-monster-head="OID" ...></a></div>

#### HTML

##### Generate

This will generate HTML files from the prepared templates and data YAML.
The YAML must be located in the input directory. Any file with `.yaml` extension
will be processed.

bob html generate --input ./input/ --output ./output/ --data-files ./pages/

If the `--data-files' attribute is not defined, the `--input' directory is used.

The yaml looks like:

    export: en/test1.html
    lang: en
    title: TEST
        author: schukai GmbH
        - id: tickyesdata-image-gi-4013311193
          source: |-
          alt: tick
          title: "yes"
        - id: test-link-test-html
          href: /test.html
          hreflang: ""
          title: test-link
        - id: yes-a-html
          href: /a.html
          hreflang: ""
          title: "Yes"
        - text: The request was incorrect, the server could not process it.
          id: the-request-was-inco-2640993422
        - text: |-
            If you received this message as a result of a request to the server API, then check the structure
                            against the documentation.
          id: if-you-received-this-423958995
        - text: 'You   can   try    the following steps:'
          id: you-can-try-the-foll-3363859033
        - id: translations
          type: application/json
            key1: value1
            key2: value2
                one: value3
                two: value4
          - .example1
          - selector: .example2
            html: <b><span>New Content</span></b>
          - selector: .example3
            name: data-example
            value: example

The translations are set in a json inside a script tag.

The `modifications' rules are executed last. Here you can remove tags, add content and set attributes.

##### Sync

This will sync HTML nodes from a source to a destination.

bob html sync --specification ./specification.yaml 

The structure of the specification file is as follows:

  - source:
      path: './source.html'
      selector: 'head'
      path: './'
        - ./source.html
        - title

With the above specification, the `head` node from `./source.html` will be synced to all files in `./` except `./source.html`.
Furthermore, the `title` node will be kept.

Relative paths are relative to the specification file. Absolute paths are absolute, obviously.

#### Cut

This will cut a node from a source file and save it to a destination template file.

bob template cut --specification ./specification.yaml 

The structure of the specification file is as follows:

    source: ./test.html
    selector: 'head'
    destination: ./snippets/container.html
      - selector: 'li'
        name: 'class'
        value: 'list-item'
        selector: '#myid'
        content: 'replacement content'

Relative paths are relative to the specification file.

## Questions

For questions and commercial support, please contact [schukai GmbH](https://www.schukai.com/).
The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests.

## Issues

Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an
issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.

## License

© schukai GmbH, released under the AGPL 3.0 License.


You can also purchase a commercial license.